Art symposium in Iceland

ellypartworks, Residencies and travel, Uncategorized

Being an artist is often a lonely situation. Getting out of the studio, meeting new people, breaking daily rutines, leaving the comfort zone is a necessity. A new adventure was waiting in 2016. I was invited by German artist Margret Schopka to participate in a symposium in Iceland. She has arranged several symposiums over the years, at her place in Stiflisdalur. Less than an hour from Reykjavik she and her Icelandic husband Sverrir has the cutest little, red cottage you can imagine.


Margret is working with landart, and here she has a huge area to explore and execute her art – and share with fellow artists. When she asked, it took me about one second to make up my mind to a big YES! First time in Iceland, and this was the best way to learn about the country. I would dig in the Icelandic soil.

We were five artists participating in the symposium, four Germans and me. In this post I will present my fellow artists and host. But there will be more. Of course. Iceland cannot be captured by one post. There is the landscape, the birds, the little churches. The light painting the landscape, the people making us feel at home….Thank you Margret and Sverrir for making our stay unforgettable.

_MG_4483_MG_4486Margret Schopka in action, making pattern on the snow. She will always bring a bag with materials, leaving her soft traces in the landscape.


Heide Schimke ready with her camera. The terns were nesting, and very protective, and Heide was filming them in the flight, as they were diving towards her.

_MG_3513When she was not “shooting clouds” Maresa Jung would be hunting for details in the nature.


_MG_5448P1080456Irene Eigenbrodt is finding treasures wherever she goes. These also worked as protection for the terns, as they only attack the highest point. Last picture shows Irene working on one of her mandala projects.