Yesssss, it is happening – right now, and I am so excited. Soon it will arrive, and I will give it a warm welcome. Sorry Old Press, we are done….that´s life. You and me do not fit together any more. Maybe you could find a new owner?
I just want to get some free space for my new printing companion handcrafted by Tórculos Ribes . It is now painted and will be assembled and sent from Barcelona. “IT” will of course get a proper name on arrival. Any good suggestions? I was thinking of Ferdinand. You know the bull who would rather smell flowers than fight in bullfights. Or may be “it” is a she?
It all started with my residency at ArtPrintResidence in February, working in large scale formats. My new companion will have a printing bed measuring 100 x 150 cm.
With a printing bed measuring 100 x 150 cm I am ready!!