RESIDENCIES and workshops 2013-2020

ellypResidencies and travel, Uncategorized

Making art is the process of leaving something behind, to search for new knowledge, other ways of seeing, and challenges offering insecurity. Or frustration. Patterns of behavior are broken, and you find yourself in a limbo. Or at least that is how it works for me. And it works. One week at Awagami is worth a month at home, if …

Artist in residency

ellypartworks, Residencies and travel, Uncategorized Leave a Comment

Hi there, you have not seen me for long now – and vice versa. I intended to blog more regularly, but then I did not. It just did not happen. Hope you missed me, and hope you will catch up again. That is what it is all about, i think – hope. It is a totally gray, rainy day. It …