HOW TO; Carborundum – chine collé plus drypoint/engraving

ellypartworks, Uncategorized

CARBORUNDUM – CHINE COLLÉ  and some drypoint My featured picture for this post shows “Nature´s Spirit”. It contains it all; carborundum, drypoint and chine collé. The print was done without any sketch, just starting out painting carborundum, following up with drypoint/engraving. It was a journey of the unexpected. And still, looking at it afterwards I recognize it all. I feel …

Travelling the world on my artistic journey, 2015 – 2018

ellypResidencies and travel, Studio, Uncategorized

I always think of what is ahead, the new challenges and how to solve them. There is a constant urge for finding paths I have not walked before. I am lucky, I have everything I need to create where I live. I have great studios, and I have peace and time to concentrate. The only thing I do not get …

Ferdinand Thepress is up and running!

ellypartworks, Studio, Uncategorized

In my last post my new press Ferdinand was ready for his life´s journey, from Barcelona to Bergen. He arrived in the beginning of July. It was like meeting up with an old friend, and we started our cooperation straight away, – but after the ceremony of course. It was a touching moment when we listened to the national anthem …


ellypUncategorized 4 Comments

Det er så mye jeg har lyst til å gjøre, og helst på samme tid. For å komme meg ut av multitaskingklemmen har jeg invitert en nær venn av meg, og ikke minst en internasjonal celebritet, til å avlaste meg med bloggingen for en periode. Hennes erfaring med networking og profilering står i en klasse for seg. Kvinnen jeg skal …


ellypArt in garden, artworks, Uncategorized 1 Comment

Noen er mer enn gjennomsnittet interessert i planter, og når man først er blitt kjent med en art bygger det seg opp. Som for eksempel med primula. “Primula har jeg” sier noen, og ser for seg de små fargeklattene vi kjøper rundt juletider, for så å plassere ute i hagen. Gjennom Dansk Primula Klubb kan man få en forståelse for …