ellypartworks, Residencies and travel, Uncategorized

Watching the kozo fibers floating in water is pure magic. Pouring bucket after bucket of the mix in paper frames is a luxury, knowing the process behind. In their own fields Awagami Factory are growing mulberry trees, and harvesting their own kozo during winter months. Only the inner bark is being used for paper, and the process from cutting the …

Paper Art for Public Commissions

ellypcomissions, Uncategorized

POWER is the title of the latest IAPMA bulletin for 20202/2021. IAPMA connects paper artists from all over the world, opening up for hands on information through the bulletin, which naturally is made of paper, including special paper samples. (See more about the member organisation further below in this post ). Reading other member´s articles about their experiences with the …


ellypResidencies and travel

In 2015 I spent one month as an artist in residence at Zea May printmaking studio, Massachusetts. Here is a fresh intervju with me. You will find blogposts about the stay  here: https://ellyp.com/wp/why-zea-may/ and here https://ellyp.com/wp/artist-in-residency/


ellypartworks, Residencies and travel, Uncategorized

Artworks from my last visit to Awagami factory March 2020   I am the crow. I have been circling around for days. Under me I see Mother Earth. She is constantly changing. Areas covered with fog are now shining under me in vibrant colours. She looks confident on a distance, but when I go closer to get a rest in …


ellypartworks, Residencies and travel, Studio, Uncategorized

It has been a while…and a lot of good things have happened. Like March 2018, I spent March 2019 at Awagami Factory, Japan, exploring the world of pulp painting. I will have to come back to that. Too much to include in one post. Back in my studio in Bergen, I picked up the printmaking tread. Full workout with pulp …


ellypartworks, Uncategorized

According to the English dictionary “in limbo” means: “to be in a situation caught between two stages, and it is unclear what will happen next.” Could not be more precisely defined. After disassembling my paper studio mid Sept. there has been all these things that has to be done. Which is not directly a part of the creative process. Like …

HOW TO; Carborundum – chine collé plus drypoint/engraving

ellypartworks, Uncategorized

CARBORUNDUM – CHINE COLLÉ  and some drypoint My featured picture for this post shows “Nature´s Spirit”. It contains it all; carborundum, drypoint and chine collé. The print was done without any sketch, just starting out painting carborundum, following up with drypoint/engraving. It was a journey of the unexpected. And still, looking at it afterwards I recognize it all. I feel …

“Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working.”

ellypResidencies and travel, Uncategorized

Not my words! It is Picasso´s. This is what it is all about. Working consistently. Staying in the process, keeping the flow alive. Knock knock!!! Someone is on the door. It is Inspiration coming to visit. You better be prepared!   According to my plan I would change approach, starting out from black, moving towards the light. Till now the …

I love factories – and Awagami Factory is no exception.

ellypartworks, Residencies and travel, Uncategorized

Days float like a river, sometimes calm and clear, and sometimes unpredictable. It is all about water. Pulp floating in water, linking together, making shiny, wet canvases to work in and on. Every day there is only one question, “what if I try….” No normal, daily life with all the disturbances. I enjoy the life in the factory, working side …