ellypArt in garden, artworks, Studio

It certainly opens up for a lot of thoughts, grinding bedlinen from different homes down to fiber. In early summer I had my Little Critter coming all the way from New Zealand, where the artist, craftsman and inventor Mark Lander, make them by hand. It was like a revolution, being able to grind down fibers without cutting them short as …


ellypartworks, Studio, Uncategorized

Waking up this morning I felt so and so about the weather, and as the fog was developing into a thick woolen blanket, and the rain was consistent, I planned for some indoor activities. Enough to pick from. Suddenly something struck me, – it might be an idea popping up from my foggy mind, and a loooong picture was taking …

Interlude, between adventures

ellypartworks, Studio, Uncategorized

I am looking out of the window, and there are my tables, all empty. Last night I cleaned up my outdoors paper studio. Since June I have been working there, almost every day, seven days a week. It has been a flow, and I have been totally focused. We also had a really hot summer, and staying under the roof, …

HOW TO; Carborundum – chine collé plus drypoint/engraving

ellypartworks, Uncategorized

CARBORUNDUM – CHINE COLLÉ  and some drypoint My featured picture for this post shows “Nature´s Spirit”. It contains it all; carborundum, drypoint and chine collé. The print was done without any sketch, just starting out painting carborundum, following up with drypoint/engraving. It was a journey of the unexpected. And still, looking at it afterwards I recognize it all. I feel …

“Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working.”

ellypResidencies and travel, Uncategorized

Not my words! It is Picasso´s. This is what it is all about. Working consistently. Staying in the process, keeping the flow alive. Knock knock!!! Someone is on the door. It is Inspiration coming to visit. You better be prepared!   According to my plan I would change approach, starting out from black, moving towards the light. Till now the …

Travelling the world on my artistic journey, 2015 – 2018

ellypResidencies and travel, Studio, Uncategorized

I always think of what is ahead, the new challenges and how to solve them. There is a constant urge for finding paths I have not walked before. I am lucky, I have everything I need to create where I live. I have great studios, and I have peace and time to concentrate. The only thing I do not get …

Ferdinand Thepress is up and running!

ellypartworks, Studio, Uncategorized

In my last post my new press Ferdinand was ready for his life´s journey, from Barcelona to Bergen. He arrived in the beginning of July. It was like meeting up with an old friend, and we started our cooperation straight away, – but after the ceremony of course. It was a touching moment when we listened to the national anthem …

ART PRINT RESIDENCE – a paradise for printmakers

ellypResidencies and travel, Studio, Uncategorized

Four wonderful weeks!! They passed so quickly, and suddenly I am back to normal. I have to arrange everything alone, get all materials, solve every little problem – and the bigger ones, keep my studio clean….all these things which were handled so wonderfully for me at Art Print residence in Catalonia. Ariadna, Claudia and Jordi are there, arranging the studio …


ellypartworks, Studio Leave a Comment

    Hver dag er en kamp. Jeg sloss for friheten. Mot naturen er det jeg kjemper. Den vi bærer i oss, som tilhører vanedyret, som søker tryggheten og trives med rutiner – gjentagelser. Hver dag må jeg tvinge meg forbi, ut i åpent landskap, utenfor referanserammene mine. Det jeg søker trekker seg videre og bort for hvert skritt jeg tar. Hver gang jeg …