ellypartworks, Residencies and travel, Uncategorized

Watching the kozo fibers floating in water is pure magic. Pouring bucket after bucket of the mix in paper frames is a luxury, knowing the process behind. In their own fields Awagami Factory are growing mulberry trees, and harvesting their own kozo during winter months. Only the inner bark is being used for paper, and the process from cutting the …

Paper Art for Public Commissions

ellypcomissions, Uncategorized

POWER is the title of the latest IAPMA bulletin for 20202/2021. IAPMA connects paper artists from all over the world, opening up for hands on information through the bulletin, which naturally is made of paper, including special paper samples. (See more about the member organisation further below in this post ). Reading other member´s articles about their experiences with the …


ellypResidencies and travel

In 2015 I spent one month as an artist in residence at Zea May printmaking studio, Massachusetts. Here is a fresh intervju with me. You will find blogposts about the stay  here: https://ellyp.com/wp/why-zea-may/ and here https://ellyp.com/wp/artist-in-residency/

RESIDENCIES and workshops 2013-2020

ellypResidencies and travel, Uncategorized

Making art is the process of leaving something behind, to search for new knowledge, other ways of seeing, and challenges offering insecurity. Or frustration. Patterns of behavior are broken, and you find yourself in a limbo. Or at least that is how it works for me. And it works. One week at Awagami is worth a month at home, if …


ellypArt in garden, artworks, Studio

It certainly opens up for a lot of thoughts, grinding bedlinen from different homes down to fiber. In early summer I had my Little Critter coming all the way from New Zealand, where the artist, craftsman and inventor Mark Lander, make them by hand. It was like a revolution, being able to grind down fibers without cutting them short as …


ellypartworks, Studio, Uncategorized

Waking up this morning I felt so and so about the weather, and as the fog was developing into a thick woolen blanket, and the rain was consistent, I planned for some indoor activities. Enough to pick from. Suddenly something struck me, – it might be an idea popping up from my foggy mind, and a loooong picture was taking …


ellypartworks, Residencies and travel, Studio, Uncategorized

It has been a while…and a lot of good things have happened. Like March 2018, I spent March 2019 at Awagami Factory, Japan, exploring the world of pulp painting. I will have to come back to that. Too much to include in one post. Back in my studio in Bergen, I picked up the printmaking tread. Full workout with pulp …


ellypartworks, Uncategorized

According to the English dictionary “in limbo” means: “to be in a situation caught between two stages, and it is unclear what will happen next.” Could not be more precisely defined. After disassembling my paper studio mid Sept. there has been all these things that has to be done. Which is not directly a part of the creative process. Like …

Interlude, between adventures

ellypartworks, Studio, Uncategorized

I am looking out of the window, and there are my tables, all empty. Last night I cleaned up my outdoors paper studio. Since June I have been working there, almost every day, seven days a week. It has been a flow, and I have been totally focused. We also had a really hot summer, and staying under the roof, …

“Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working.”

ellypResidencies and travel, Uncategorized

Not my words! It is Picasso´s. This is what it is all about. Working consistently. Staying in the process, keeping the flow alive. Knock knock!!! Someone is on the door. It is Inspiration coming to visit. You better be prepared!   According to my plan I would change approach, starting out from black, moving towards the light. Till now the …